From Left: producer Signe Byrge Sørensen welcomes Jørgen Aage Holm, his son and family to the Copenhagen office.
Today, we had a great visit at Final Cut for Real. Jørgen Aage Holm, his son Ole Holm and their family came to visit our office, where Jørgen worked for 16 years from 1956.
At that time, our building was a chandler's shop, serving ships in the busy Copenhagen harbor and even sometimes in Malmø harbor. We learned that the company inhabiting the building at that time was called Frihavnens Skibsproviantering. It was founded around 1870 by a Norwegian captain called Melgaard and his business partner Momsen. It was later sold to a Danish captain called C. V. Lohse.
We got a lot more stories, but you have to visit us to hear those…