Char - The No-Man's Island, directed by Sourav Sarangi is an Indian feature documentary, which we are currently co-producing together with Son et Lumiere in Kolkata and Stefilm in Torino, Italy. From the 4th of August to the 10th of August Sourav Sarangi, Stefano Tealdi and Signe Byrge Sørensen pitched the film to potential European co-producers and financiers at the Open Doors event, which is part of Locarno Film Festival. At the end of the event the project was selected for "The International Relations Arte Prize" of EURO 6.000.
Char - The No-Man's Island is about two young boys, Rubel, age 16 and Sofikul, age 10, who live in the border area between India and Bangladesh. Their families lost their land due to river erosion, so when new islands began to reappear in the river, they moved to these islands, knowing that when the river rises again, this land may disappear as well.