The Act of Killing DVD - Til Institutioner (Only in Denmark)


The Act of Killing DVD - Til Institutioner (Only in Denmark)

Sale Price:€50.00 Original Price:€219.99

Ved køb af denne version af filmen medfølger retten til at vise filmen i uddannelsesmæssige sammenhænge, så længe visningerne er ikke-kommercielle.


I 1965 væltede militæret den indonesiske regering, og over en million mennesker - kommunister, etnisk kinesere og intellektuelle - blev udryddet. I filmen, der foregår i byen Medan på øen Sumatra, udfordrer filmskaberne dødspatruljeledere til at dramatisere deres rolle i folkemordet. Resultatet er en surrealistisk filmisk rejse ind i massemordernes forestillinger og fantasier om dem selv og deres ofre. Samtidig giver filmen et indblik i et skræmmende og ekstremt korrupt regime, der ikke blot har ladet morderne slippe for straf, men stadig fejrer dem som helte.

The government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, and more than a million people - communists, people of Chinese descent and intellectuals were executed. The movie is set in the city Medan on the island Sumatra. Here the filmmakers challenge the death squad leaders to dramatize how they participated in the genocide. The result is a surreal cinematic journey into the mass murderers ideas and fantasies about themselves and their victims. Simultaneously the movie presents us to a frightening and extremely corrupt regime, where the murderers have faced no judgement but instead are celebrated as heroes.

Subtitles/ Undertekster: Dansk & English

Director: Joshua Oppenheimer
Co-directors: Christine Cynn & Anonymous
Cinematographer: Carlos Arango de Montis, Lars Skree & Anonymous
Editors: Niels Pagh Andersen, Janus Billeskov Jansen, Ariadna Fatjó-Vilas Mestre, Mariko Montpetit & Charlotte Munch Bengtsen
Sound: Gunn Tove Grønsberg & Henrik Gugge Garnov
Composer: Elin Øyen Vister
Produced by: Signe Byrge Sørensen
Producers: Joram ten Brink, Anne Köhncke, Michael Uwemedimo, Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn & Anonymous.
Executive producers: Errol Morris, André Singer & Joram ten Brink.
Production Company: Final Cut for Real, DK
Co-producers: Torstein Grude, Piraya Film, NO & Joshua Oppenheimer and Christine Cynn, Novaya Zemlya, UK - in association with André Singer, Spring Films Ltd, UK.

ZDF Arte, VPRO, SVT, YLE, DFI, DR, Danida, NFI, NRK, Fritt Ord, Stavanger Kommune, AHRC UK, Westminster University, Media Development, Media Broadcast, Kudos Family, Stiftelsen Matriark, Nordic Film and TV Fund and Against Gravity.

PLEASE NOTE: Only for sale in Denmark - for international requests please contact the distributors of the film:

US + countries without a distributor: -Contact Drafthouse
France - Contact ZED
Canada - Contact FilmsWeLike
Netherlands - Contact Cinema Delicatessen
Poland - Contact Against Gravity
Australia / New Zealand - Contact Madman Entertainment
Norway - Contact Kudos Family
United Kingdom - Contact Dogwoof
Serbia/Montenegro/Croatia/Slovenia -Contact Tricon Ltd
Lithuania - Contact Grazina Arlickaite
Italy - Contact I Wonder Srl
Iceland -
Contact Bio Paradis
Singapore - Contact the Indie Entertainment Company
Germany - Contact Wolf/Neue Visionen
Spain -
Contact Avalon
Switzerland - Contact Cinelux
Portugal - Contact Alambique
Japan - Contact Transformer


Nomineret til 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature
Vinder af mere end 60 danske og internationale priser, heriblandt:
BAFTA for Bedste Dokumentar
Cinema Eye Honors Award for Outstanding Achievement in Nonfiction Feature Filmmaking
Cinema Eye Honors Award for Outstanding Achievement in Production
Asia Pacific Screen Award for Best Documentary Feature Film
BritDoc 2013 Puma Impact Award
Gotham Award 2013 for Bedste Dokumentar
European Film Award 2013 for Bedste Dokumentar
Det Danske Filmakademi - Robert 2013 for Bedste Dokumentar