Far From Home / Med Verden Imellem Os - DVD


Far From Home / Med Verden Imellem Os - DVD

Sale Price:€3.00 Original Price:€15.99

PLEASE NOTE: This version of the film is restricted to personal use.


Nitesh' far har taget en beslutning. Den vil forandrer ikke blot resten af hans eget liv, men også hans børns - for altid. Efter 39 år i Danmark vil han opgive sin danske opholdstilladelse og flytte tilbage til Indien for at starte et nyt liv. Og når det først er gjort, kan han ikke ombestemme sig.

Nitesh har lavet sin film for at forstå sin gådefulde og fåmælte fars definitive beslutning. Og som filmen skrider frem afdækkes et stadig mere sammensat og dramatisk billede af et liv, der ikke gik efter planen.

Med verden imellem os er en modig og dybt personlig film om migration, spilafhængighed og de skrøbelige, men også stærke bånd mellem far og søn.


Nitesh’s father has made a decision that will change his and his children’s lives forever. After 39 years in Denmark, he wants to give up his Danish residence permit and move back to India to start a new life. And once the decision is made, he can’t take it back.

Nitesh set out on a filmmaking journey to understand his mysterious father and his irrevocable decision. As the film progresses, a complex and dramatic picture emerges of a life that did not go according to plan.

Far from Home is a personal story about dislocation, addiction and the fragile yet enduring bond between father and son.

Duration / Længde: 58 min / 71 min (the disc contains two versions of the film)
Language / Sprog: Dansk, Punjabi
Subtitles / Undertekster: Dansk, English
Year / År: 2015